For A Special Few, Team Slam Calls


We will be honest upfront - Slam is not for everyone! We’re looking for uncommon individuals chasing their dreams, driven to be greater than average, and unsatisfied with a life and results like everyone else.

We seek to find Slam Fuel team members across demographic, profession, and age. People who are all in on their passions and pursuits.

While their individual motivations and goals may differ, those who have a shared frame of mind - to put in the work to get better, day in and day out, step by step, are those whom we want to be a part of our brand and community.

What is real - is the grind. No matter your number of followers or the level of success you have reached, people in intense pursuit of goals and dreams are whom we want representing us, and is what resonates with our mission and commmunity.

Slam Fuel is built on a community of passionate people striving to push themselves to be their best! If you enjoy Slam Fuel products and exemplify the ethos we strive to represent, we invite you to apply.

If you are accepted you will receive:

-Customized athlete discount code to share.

- An industry unmatched commission on sales brought in using your code. We want to fuel the pursuit of your goals!

- Free product, giveaways, apparel and early access to new product launches.

I Have What It Takes


The first step to applying for the Slam Fuel ambassador program is to fill out our online application form.

We will review your application.

If we decide you are a good fit for the Slam Fuel brand and you are chosen to move on after the application, we will reach out to you. Your application will be approved and your account will be activated.

Emphasizing this again! We are looking for individuals who are:

Passionate about achieving their goals and dreams. We ask you to engage with Slam Fuel, our community, and be open to sharing your expertise and the values you live by with other people striving to live exceptional lives. Success is not exclusive, and we want to make a difference and lift as many people up as possible. Online Application